Friday, March 10, 2006

Sun Harper’s Art Of Passing Motions

Written by TrustOnlyMulder
The hot topic of the day happens to be the NDP requesting an ethics investigation into the floor crossing of Belinda Stronach. Although it was a year ago, I guess what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

On this topic, I would like to point out a few things.

1) PM Harper appointed a non elected member into the Senate
2) PM Harper asked David Emerson, a Liberal, to join the Cabinet
3) PM Harper has told the ethics commissioner, Bernard Shapiro to stuff his investigation on the basis that Cabinet appointees are strictly the prerogative of the Prime Minister. I agree that if Shapiro succeeds in making Harper look bad in the floor crossing, it would be a serious overstepping of the position of the ethics commissioner.
....(Continued on Officially Screwed)