Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Written by Nicol DuMoulin
Much has been written in the past week about the results our election. Pundits have commented on the ‘urban/rural split’ and then those pundits have been taken to task by others saying that the split is in fact ‘metropolitan/rest of Canada’. To some extent, I think this is more over semantics but I thought I would let the dust settle for a week and take in the events before writing about them. As with many things in life, sometimes at least a little bit of distance can gather perspective.
....(Continued on The War Room)

Monday, January 30, 2006

Announcement to Tories in Toronto

New Blogroll!
A new blogroll has been created for your pleasure! If you enjoy the old one, you may still keep it. This is to hopefully give more choice to you when you choose your blogroll. The old one has a link on the main page so you may use it as you wish and still be acceptable. If you have any comments on how to improve the site, feel free to e-mail me at any time.

Old Blogroll


Saturday, January 28, 2006

It's Miller Time Folks!

Written by TrustOnlyMulder
It's always good to know scandal isn't reserved for the federal politicians. In this story Toronto Mayor David Miller has requested the services of the ethics commissioner with regard to the disbursement of $400,000 in contracts to the employer of his campaign chairman. Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong was the one who noted the name in the contract bid.
....(Continued on Officially Screwed)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hypocritical Fearmongering by Eastern Politicians

Written by The Reclusive Antiquarian
Especially the useless David Miller, who should be top of the list for a free trip to the scrapheap of history.

Toronto Mayor David Miller did his best prior to and throughout the long, eight-week election campaign to create panic amongst Torontonians toward Harper by saying revenue-sharing programs from the feds to the cities would evaporate like gasoline fumes should the Tories win.
....(Continued on The Reclusive Antiquarian)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Day After

Written by Zednik
What can I say,
I am still on shock, 10 seats in Quebec. WOW.

A Ruling Party that finished at least second in every region of Canada in terms of popular vote, and a share representation from right across the country.

Folks we did it.
....(Continued on A View From the Right)

Rosie O'Donnell, get lost!

Written by The Reclusive Antiquarian
We don't need Hollywood moonbats up here!

Rosie O'Donnell says she and all her gay friends will be moving to Canada if Stephen Harper gets elected. "If you get another Bush up there, we're going to move to Canada," O'Donnell said. "We love Canada".
....(Continued on The Reclusive Antiquarian)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Less than I hoped for, better than I thought

Written by Canadi-anna
By Sunday, I was losing faith. I'm not sure whether the public was affected by the Liberal attack ads, the reports of 'hidden candidates' or the brief suggestion that Stephen Harper had stopped talking to reporters, but it all dampened my spirits.

Last night as I watched the results, I was really disappointed. Then, I heard Stephen Harper speak. That was when I realised how big this win is, not for conservatives, but for Canadians.

Harper's minority government represents hope to many who had begun to despair of our political system. Right or left, conservative or 'progressive,' are not so important as seeing that there is a credible alternative to Liberal hegemony. Despite what Liberals want us to believe, we all know that One Party Rule is never a good thing in a democracy.
....(Continued on Canadianna's Place)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Am I a Real Canadian?

Written by Ian
Glenn Penner of VOMCanada has a good post on the logic of the Canadian Liberal Party:

If I were to believe Prime Minister Paul Martin, according to statements that he has been making in this, the last week of the election campaign, the following would be true:
....(Continued on Ruminations By The Lake)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Sun: 200 Reasons to Not Vote Liberal

Written by Brian Lemon
After 12 years, we at the Sun think it's self-evident that the Liberals have to go, and polls show most Canadians agree. But just in case you're still not sure, we've compiled a list of the lowlights of Liberal rule since 1993. There's plenty more where these came from, but we've narrowed it to 218 reasons not to vote Liberal. Take your pick: You really only need one.
....(Continued on Canadian Blue Lemons)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I'd Rather Talk About Policy

Written by TrustOnlyMulder
I really wanted to get a good piece in on one Conservative platform promise that I really love and why I love it so much.

-Allow the parents of youth under 16 who register their children in programs that promote physical fitness to claim a federal tax credit on spending up to $500 per year per child

This great idea is getting so little play, but deserves more attention. It is not being understood correctly in my view.
....(Continued on Officially Screwed)

Liberal candidate tells WW2 Veteran to move to the US

Written by The Reclusive Antiquarian
At small dead animals.

At an all candidates meeting in Refrew, ON. ("up the valley" from Ottawa) last night, a WW2 vet (one Mr. Tomkins) stood up and asked the Liberal candidate, Don Lindsay, what plans the Liberals had to compensate handgun owners for seizing their private property. Instead of answering the question immediately, Lindsay started by spouting Martins favorite line:
....(Continued on The Reclusive Antiquarian)

Friday, January 20, 2006

Etobicoke Liberal President Backs Conservatives

Written by Glen
The Toronto Star is reporting that the Liberal riding association President of Etobicoke-Lakeshower is backing the Conservative candidate John Capobianco instead of Liberal star candidate Michael Ignatieff.
....(Continued on Red Vs. Blue)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

CBC's Reality Check Needs a Reality Check

Written by Zednik
Much as I expected perhaps the Liberals best Campaign Tool has gone into full damage control mode to do their best to seem without bias but to be JUST bias enough to try and steer a few voters down the Liberal path.

Goodness knows I have never been a big fan of the CBC, Their online election team for the most part should be ending their articles with "Chose Your Canada" and the last pure and noble aspect of the CBC in CBC Newsworld lost that creditable when they added walking NDP posterboy and aging Much Music "Icon" George Stroumboulopoulos into the fold with his left wing infomercial.
....(Continued on A View From the Right)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ontario Trucks Could Face 105 km/h Speed Limit

Written by TheTorontoTory
Limit the Limit?
As soon as I heard of this story, I knew that there has to be some clearing up from the liberal media. To start off, let us get to the basics. I have been in trucks with this device and this is how it works. Once the truck gets up to 105 km/h, then a little device kicks in and suddenly drops the speed down to 80 km/h, or however the specific machine is set. In this case, it was 80 km/h.
....(Continued on Time for the Right)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Whose promises do you make and keep?

Written by Canadi-anna
Is a treaty or a promise made by a government, binding on successive governments?

Apparently, the Liberals don't think so -- Paul Martin's Liberals, who ran on a promise to scrap NAFTA, is now worried about Stephen Harper's commitment to scrap Kyoto -- because he's concerned about Canada's world image. The fact that Martin and the Liberals reneged on this election promise is irrelevant. He believed that deals signed under a previous government were open to renegotiation or reversal -- decisions made by governments are not written in stone.
....(Continued on Canadianna's Place)

Monday, January 16, 2006

My Email to Think Twice Canada

Written by Brian Lemon
If I were a part of your organization (which I am not) I would be ashamed.Canada is still a democracy and your considerations, individually or collectively, are no more or less important or informed than anyone elses.Being an actor does not provide you special insight into right or wrong. It likely does qualify you to be a politician. Being a trade unionist hardly suggests non-partisanship. As far as your inclusiveness, of 25 members identifiable by gender, all but 2 are female, which is fine, but makes your organization less gender equal than the Canadian Conservative Party.
....(Continued on Canadian Blue Lemons)

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Written by Nicol DuMoulin
As many of you political junkies know, there is something in modern political campaigns known as the 'October Surprise'.

In the fall of 1980, it was alledged after by many Democrats that Ronald Reagan and George Bush conspired to sabotage Jimmy Carter's attempts to get hostages released from Iran until after the election in November.
....(Continued on The War Room)

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Whose values are these, anyway?

Written by Canadi-anna
Paul Martin has framed this election as question of vision and values, which begs the question -- what are Canadian values?

A nation displays its values most specifically and most obviously through its laws. The things we ask our governors to enshrine in legislation are the things we believe are important. Our national character doesn't grow from legislation, legislation is derived from our national character.
....(Continued on Canadianna's Place)

Paul Martin: I would use Notwithstanding Clause. No I wouldn't!

Written by The Reclusive Antiquarian
December 2003:
Prime Minister Paul Martin says he would use the Constitution's notwithstanding clause if the Supreme Court rules that churches must perform gay marriages.
....(Continued on The Reclusive Antiquarian)

Friday, January 13, 2006

Response to D. A. Carson

Written by Ian
My friend Scott pointed me to this paper by Greg Welty that I thought some of my blogger friends would be interested in. I had seen it a number of years ago, but did not get around to reading it. It's a bit tedious because of it's size and because it is in outline form.
....(Continued on Ruminations By The Lake)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Defending Stephen Harper

Written by Canadi-anna
Conservatives are scary. Everyone knows it. They're fanatical, radical, evangelical . . . or not.But what do the facts matter in politics.Just like there are fanatical, radical, evangelical conservatives, there are also fanatical, radical, evangelical socialists. Our country has been run by the latter for the better part of 40 years, so it is not entirely unreasonable that a couple of generations of Canadian children have grown up without ever understanding that there is a middle ground -- and that in many ways, especially recently, it is the Conservative Party of Canada that holds that middle ground.
....(Continued on Canadianna's Place)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

200 Reasons Not to Vote Liberal

Written by Ian
I think that the 200th reason not to vote Liberalis excellent. They've made a mockery of our military over and over again, and their recently pulled ad does so again.
Check out the linked site for 199 other reasons why the Liberals need to go.
....(Continued on Ruminations By The Lake)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

You da man Mike Duffy!

Written by Glen
Mike Duffy just bitch slappped the Liberal talking head live on TV.

"We'll do our job, you're trying to intimidate us into not talking about this ad, this is a perfectly legitimate topic."
....(Continued on Red Vs. Blue)

Let's all stop beating Basil's car - Richard Dawkins

Written by Ian
This is a brilliant piece of consistent logic coming from one of modern society's most ardent proponents of Darwinian evolution. I think that every single person who buys into evolutionary theory in any way should read this. And if they don't get it the first time, they need to read it again!
....(Continued on Ruminations By The Lake)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Michael Ignatieff Runs like a . . .

Written by Brian Lemon
Anyone catch Michael Ignatieff on Global tonite, dashing insecurely out of his campaign office looking uncomfortable in his toque, into a waiting BMW?? No doubt to dazzle his adoring public constituency with his deep intellectual opinions on ethnic nationalism.
....(Continued on Canadian Blue Lemons)

What the Liberals are talking about . . .

Written by Canadi-anna
I originally thought that the Liberals started in on the Conservatives' promise costing because they wanted to create a sense of fear, but then they shifted from 'he's going to raise taxes' to 'they'll create a deficit'. Both create fear, but if that had been the main intention they likely would have waited until after the debates so Harper wouldn't have so public a forum during which to answer.
....(Continued on Canadianna's Place)

Announcement to Tories in Toronto

I have talked my friend "bluebloggerTO" to sign up a blogger account and help me out around the blogroll. The help from "bluebloggerTO" is greatly appreciated!

Note to Torontonians:
Please do not dial 9-1-1 for non-emergencies. You are wasting valuable time that could be used to save someone's life! Please dial this number for non-emergencies!

Toronto Police Services:
Non-Emergency: 416-808-2222

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Pettigrew takes Haitian heat

Written by The Reclusive Antiquarian
Pettigrew is in big trouble, electorally speaking. His margin of victory in 2004 was only 468 votes. He's already had his name linked to the Options Canada scandal.

Now, he's taking heat from the Haitians.

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew, in the midst of a tight election campaign,
....(Continued on The Reclusive Antiquarian)

Taking the Lead, Stronach, Day Care and Whatever else is on my mind damn it.

Written by Zednik
In the words of David Bowie "Lets Dance" Its seem the Conservatives have jumped out to a 6% lead over the Liberals,

That is good news, it only took a scandal, an Inquiry, a Criminal Investigation and Five Billion dollars to a party that less then 16% of Canada voted for to get here, all Paul Martin has to do is shoot a judge and we may get our Majority yet!
....(Continued on A View From the Right)

Did the Martin Boys Ever Pay for Their Dad's Company

Written by Brian Lemon
I'm just asking the question.
Pablo Martini is a quarter billionaire thanks to the coniving of Maurice Strong and generosity of Paul Daimarais (Jean Chretien's daughters Father in Law).
Is Pablo totally liquid now?
....(Continued on Canadian Blue Lemons)

The Liberals - a 'hair of the dog' solution?

Written by Canadi-anna
The Liberals will fix health care.
Who broke it?

The Liberals will clean the environment.
Who ignored it?

The Liberals will cut your taxes.
Who over-taxed you?
....(Continued on Canadianna's Place)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Forces Ordered to Get Fighting Fit

Written by TheTorontoTory
When Will They Stop?
This is a perfect example of how liberal media can spin any story into a tragedy. This story is based off of the statement of Gen. Rick Hillier of a "physical fitness program (that) will not only increase strength, energy and endurance, but also improve an individual's ability to cope with mental and emotional stresses".
....(Continued on Time for the Right)

Welcome Message

To sign up, you must have conservative values and have lived in Toronto at some point in your life, either currently or in the past. I am new to blogrolling so please be patient while I try and figure out how to do it! You may also be eligible if you wish to be a "friend of the Tories in Toronto" if you do not fall undert any of the categories. If you fall under one of the criteria listed above, please copy the blogroll link at the bottom of the blog, have it posted somewhere clear on your blog and send an email to me!
